


1. 這部中文譯名真的是爛爆了,因為整部片其實這部老爺車是個整個劇情真正開始爆發的點。整部裡面對於這台車其實著墨並不多。看到電影海報,Clinton Eastwood的堅毅身影,整個就是充滿了英雄氣質。這部戲光是看Clinton Eastwood就足夠了,實在值得去看。


2. 這部片主要是在講一位韓戰老兵Walt和一位苗族青年Tao(?)之間的互動。Walt在戰爭之後回到家裡,充滿了憤世嫉俗的情感,不但對於自己的兩個兒子非常疏離,言行舉止間更是充滿了種族歧視,可能是老兵吧,充滿了孤獨,堅毅,拒絕接受幫助的神情,每一項Clinton都演的維妙維肖。整部片也充滿了種族辱罵的字眼,但是在一次的事件當中(上一點提到的),促成了Walt跟隔壁苗族鄰居們的接觸,誰知越接觸越深,到最後其實已經不討厭這些gook了(但是還是很愛面子),甚至和苗族青年成了好友。


3.Tao跟他姐Su很不一樣。Tao在美國人眼裡就是典型的亞洲人。身材小,沈默,不敢正視他人眼睛,沒種。Su卻很不同於一般的亞洲女人。Open, 善良,勇敢,可惜她是個女人。Su闖進了Walt的孤獨生活,用啤酒引誘他,讓他嚐嚐苗族的美食,之後Walt對於鄰居熱情送來的食物,都不再拒絕了 XD 他也喜歡上了異國食物。其實Walt還蠻可愛的。


4. 整部片前面其實我覺得充滿了歡樂。Clinton整個就是把老兵給演了出來。美國軍人對於娘泡實在沒興趣,也討厭,更別提過那些曾經打過仗的軍人了。會歡樂的原因就是因為很多種族之間的文化衝突,以及很多種族辱罵的字眼,平常聽不太到的,這部電影都聽到了。(我剛剛找的時候發現這裡有Walt在電影裡面的對話,想學髒話千萬別錯過阿!)




6.最後,Walt為了要保護Su 和 Tao,犧牲了自己保護了他們兩個。就真的像是Waltz所說得,「完美的計畫」。這一幕實在是太感人了……眼淚在眼中打轉,但我身為男人,也是不能讓他掉下來。為真正敢為朋友犧牲的男人,非常動人。


P.S. 其實我覺得Walt和神父之間的互動非常的棒,神父在Walt的喪禮中,坦白了他從W身上了解了生與死的道理,而非那些從天主教學校裡面學到的那些「不切實際」的生與死道理。


這真正是最後一點了:片尾曲竟然是由Clinton Eastwood自己主唱。那滄桑的聲音…我的媽,好聽阿。


'Gran Torino - Jamie Cullum' (Courtesy-obed)
Realign all the stars above my head
Warning signs travel far
I drink instead on my own Oh! how I've known
the battle scars and worn out beds
Gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through a Gran Torino
whistling another tired song

Small Text

Engines humm and bitter dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
These streets are old they shine
with the things I've known
and breaks through the trees
their sparkling
Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind
So tenderly your story is
nothing more than what you see
or what you've done or will become
standing strong do you belong
in your skin; just wondering
Gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines humm and bitter dreams grow
a heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
May I be so bold and stay
I need someone to hold
that shudders my skin
their sparkling
Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind
So realign all the stars above my head
warning signs travel far
I drink instead on my own oh how ive known
the battle scars and worn out beds
Gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines humm and better dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long


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